
Public participation forums, Dec 2022-April 2023

Community engagement and inclusion of marginalized groups is a key pillar of the KenyanConstitution and Vision 2030. It is critical in localizing the SDGs at grassroots levels, promotingdemocracy, ownership, and inclusivity in decision-making processes.Through community awareness forums and vernacular radio stations, AAE created awareness onSDGS; Climate Action, April 2023Climate change has become part and parcel …

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Leave No one behind campaigns, September 2022

AAE has organized dialogues with communities to brainstorm with communities in Makueni countyon the subject “Who is mostly left behind in the development matters in the community?” Ithas been discussed the following groups were most left behind in the Makueni communities: The key participants in the dialogue were;i. Sector Working Group Membersii. SDGs Coordination Directorate …

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Community dialogues, Peoples assembly, Oct 2021

There is a famous that “real power belongs to the people” and that “A people united can never bedefeated.” AAE has been at the forefront to champion community empowerment. Throughcommunity dialogues, dubbed ‘Peoples Assembly” AAE has enabled the community to air theirdevelopment grievances to the county and national governments for redress.To mark the global call …

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Covid 19 awareness and vaccination campaigns, September 2021

In order to address Covid 19 inequalities, AAE Organised vaccination campaigns in the mostremote villages; we collaborated with the Sub-county hospitals to avail the vaccines to the localdispensaries that have no electricity, using cool boxes This activity was aimed ata) Training and awareness on Covid 19b) Alleviate stigma associated with the coronavirus vaccinec) Facilitate vaccination …

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SDG2: Zero Hunger

People’s Assembly AAE organized a community Peoples Assembly in Mbooni Makueni County to share their grievances with the county government. The emphasis of the assembly was occasioned by perennial water shortage in the areas as a result of drought. Through the CBO, the people voiced about the diminishing agricultural activities in the area due to …

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